© Foto: Aleksandra Kawka
Lubomyr Melnyk (Ukraine/Kanada) ist ein Weltstar der (Neo-) Klassik (Erased Tapes, Sony Classical) und spielt weltweit in Locations wie die Pariser Oper, Barbican London und die Elbphilharmonie. Im Alleingang hat er sogar ein eigenes Musikgenre erschaffen (continuous music), ein aussergewöhnlicher Künstler.
Er hat die Bielefelder Agentur popsecret agenten, die u.a. für ihn und weitere tolle Künstler sein Europa weites Booking betreut, emotional sehr bewegt und gebeten, angesichts des schrecklichen Krieges in seinem Land, sehr kurzfristig ein Konzert zu organisieren, um seinem Volk zu helfen und Menschenleben zu retten.
Daher gibt es für die Kölner am 29.05.22 die Gelegenheit außergewöhnliche Musik zu hören und zu helfen: sämtliche Einnahmen seines Konzerts in der Lutherkirche gehen in die Ukraine, eben konkret und direkt, um dort so viele Menschenleben wie möglich zu retten. Dafür verzichten sowohl der Künstler als auch die popsecret agenten auf jegliche Bezahlung ihrer Arbeit.
Die Besucher haben ab sofort unter der preisgünstigen und von engagierten Musikliebhabern betriebenen sehr populär Vorverkaufsseite ‚Love your Artist‘ (siehe Link rechts unter „Kölnticket“) die Möglichkeit, dafür Karten zu erwerben, mit einem festen Sockelbetrag plus der Möglichkeit der freiwilligen Spende.
Lubomyr Melnyk is the pioneer of Continuous Piano Music … and one of the truly great pianists of our time – in fact, some consider him to be THE greatest pianist alive today ! Why? because of his extraordinary speed and virtuosity, and his ability to create effects on the piano that no one has ever been able to do before – actual electronic sounds out of the piano!
In the mid-70´s, he began working on new concepts of piano playing that combined Advanced Classical piano technique with the transcendent philosophies of the Martial Arts, Tai Chi and Kung Fu.
Over the years, his “devotion to perfection” has taken the piano into completely new dimensions, with capacities that allow him to play at speeds that pianists never imagined were possible and sound effects on the piano that have never been heard before …. He is duly called “The Prophet Of The Piano” ! His deeply personal performances have enthralled audiences all over the world … and his most technically advanced pieces have dumbfounded the piano establishment because they are virtually unplayable, even for the greatest living concert pianists ! As well, the ambient character of his Continuous Music has attracted a steadily growing audience, who find this new multi-dimensional sound experience to be a fresh and wonderful face for the piano!
Between 1980 and 1990, he released six albums, two of which were double lp-s, and his “The SONG OF GALADRIEL” was listed as „one of the 10 most important albums of our time “ by the New York STEREO REVIEW MAGAZINE…. Since 2002 he has released about 16 new digital albums including „Illirion“ on SONY Classical.
He has been commissioned by many music groups, including The New Chamber Orchesta, the ARRAY Ensemble,. the CBC radio of Canada, Deutscher Rundfunk. the National Ballet of Canada and many more.
In recent years, he has been appearing at various music festivals, and presenting concerts all over the world, throughout all of Europe, North America, China and Japan. He is also shown a great interest in technological innovations that can enhance and deepen the music experience of his audiences and is constantly working with various sound engineers to improve recording techniques within digital recording. His albums have been released by APPARITION RECORDS, Music Gallery Editions, BANDURA RECORDS, UNSEEN WORLDS, ERASED TAPES, and SONY Classical.
Es ist kein Negativnachweis mehr erforderlich. Wir empfehlen jedoch das Tragen einer Maske während des Konzerts.
Datum: | 29.05.2022 |
Einlass: | 17:30 Uhr |
Beginn: | 18:00 Uhr |
Preis VVK: | 38,50 € |
Preis AK: | 38,50 € |